Verbatim DVD+RW SERL 4.7GB 4X MATT SILVER SURFACE Cake 25
      Verbatim DVD+RW SERL 4.7GB 4X MATT SILVER SURFACE Cake 25

      Verbatim DVD+RW SERL 4.7GB 4X MATT SILVER SURFACE Cake 25

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      23,11 €
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      • Política de segurança - Política de segurança - Satisfeito ou o seu dinheiro de volta
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      • Política de devolução - Política de devolução - 14 Dias Devolução / 2 Anos Garantia
      Verbatim DVDR/RW uses MKM/Verbatim's technology which ensures any recording to be of a superior quality. Mitsubishi Chemical's R&D combined with its strong coorperation with drive manufacturers ensures the broad compatibility of Verbatim's discs making them ideal for sharing computer data, home videos, photos and music. From Europe's Number 1* for recordable media DVD+RW is a rewritable disc providing 4.7GB capacity. Compliant with the +RW-Alliance specifications. Verbatim's DVD+Rewritable use a Super Eutectic Recording layer (SERL). SERL ensures that noise-free recording can be enjoyed time and time again. With conventional rewritable media, the recording layer deteriorates with every rewrite, meaning a decrease in quality. With Verbatim rewritable media however, the recording layer is returned to perfect condition on every erase cycle, leaving a flawless disc for the next recording. Source:

      • 4.7GB
      • 4x
      • Increased resistance to UV light.
      • Proprietary SERL Technology.
      • Superior Archival Life.
      • This is a disc with a matt silver surface.
      • It can be written on with a CD/DVD marker pen.
      • Capacity: 4.7GB
      • Speed: 4x
      • Pack Style: 25 Pack Spindle
      • Disc Surface: Matt Silver

      Principal uses
      DVD+RW is a sequential read / write media primarily designed for video recording and streaming backup applications. DVD+RW discs can be written up to 1000 times. A number of DVD-ROM drives and DVD video players support DVD+RW.

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      Verbatim DVD+RW SERL 4.7GB 4X MATT SILVER SURFACE Cake 25

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      Verbatim DVD+RW SERL 4.7GB 4X MATT SILVER SURFACE Cake 25

      Verbatim DVD+RW SERL 4.7GB 4X MATT SILVER SURFACE Cake 25

      23,11 €
      Com IVA